What happens during root canal treatment?
The dentist first takes a picture to see what the root looks like and where the inflammation is. Then you are given a local anesthetic. Once this is in, the dentist drills open the molar.
The inflamed and dead tissue is removed. The molar is cleaned completely with small files and a disinfectant liquid.
When the dentist is sure that there is no more inflammation, he fills the empty canals with rubber pins. A filling then goes on this. If the molar is very weakened, a crown may be necessary.
Is it a very complicated root canal treatment? If so, you may be referred to an endodontist.
Does root canal treatment hurt?
Due to local anesthesia, the treatment is virtually painless. However, some post-operative pain may occur. For this you can take painkillers. If it remains painful or gets worse, call your dentist. An inflamed root canal can cause a lot of toothache. An inflammation will also not go away by itself. So if you have a toothache, don’t stay with it too long. Root canal treatment is better than having the whole tooth or molar eventually pulled.