What is gum disease?

The prolonged presence of plaque especially on the transition between tooth and gums can cause the gums to become inflamed. Inflamed gums are often red and swollen and bleed easily when brushing teeth.

The image of healthy gums. It is tight against the teeth and has the aspect of an orange skin.

Inflamed gums, red and swollen.
It bleeds easily.

At this stage we speak of gingivitis, a mild inflammation of the gums. Gingivitis can be prevented or cured by proper plaque removal.
If the inflammation of the gums persists for a long time, a space forms between the teeth and the gums, which is filled the plaque and tartar. This space is called a gum pocket.
The deeper the gum pocket, the more of the connecting fibers between the tooth and the jawbone are broken. The jawbone itself is also broken down.
This stage is referred to as periodontitis.

Healthy gums


Beginning periodontitis

Advanced periodontitis

You cannot remove plaque and tartar from sunken pockets yourself. Your dentist or dental hygienist will have to do that.
If periodontitis is not treated, more and more jawbone and fibers can be broken down over time. This causes the teeth to become loose and may eventually fall out. However, if periodontitis is detected early, then tooth loss can be prevented. Good oral hygiene is essential for successful treatment.

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