At a periodic checkup, the dentist checks your teeth for cavities and any gum inflammation. He may also take an x-ray to study your teeth more closely.
The prevention assistant or dental hygienist cleans your teeth right away. If the dentist finds a cavity or any other abnormality, he will make a new appointment for this.

What is a dental cleaning?

Plaque that is not removed can lead to the formation of tartar under the influence of saliva. New plaque easily adheres to tartar, causing gums to become irritated and inflamed more quickly. A dental cleaning professionally removes plaque, tartar and deposits.

How is a dental cleaning performed?

When a dental cleaning is performed, the tartar, plaque and tarnish (if any) are removed. This is done with ultrasonic vibrations (tartar is vibrated loose by high-frequency vibrations), using hand instruments or a combination of both. Next, teeth are polished with a brush and polishing paste. This removes tartar and makes the teeth super smooth, which makes new tartar/plaque buildup less likely to form.

Why a periodic checkup?

By going for regular dental checkups, unpleasant developments such as cavities or inflammation can be detected in time and worse can be prevented. The dentist can then treat you. Or he may choose to refer you to a specialist such as the dental hygienist, orthodontist or oral surgeon. You can also wait until you have a complaint and then go to the dentist, but this is not recommended! Some problems will have progressed to the point where treatment will be much more invasive (and painful) and may even lead to loss of teeth.

How many times a year a checkup?

Try to go to the dentist 2x a year for a checkup.

Request an appointment.

We would be happy to tell you more about this treatment and schedule an appointment for you.