When is a crown needed?

There are several reasons why a crown may be necessary:

  • If the tooth is so badly damaged by tooth decay that it cannot be fixed with a filling.
  • An unsightly, old filling can be replaced with a crown so the teeth look nicer.
  • If a tooth is damaged by an accident.
  • If a tooth is missing.
    Then an implant is placed first.


How is a crown placed?

How long the treatment takes depends on the condition of your own tooth.
If it is badly damaged, then a root canal treatment will be performed first, for example.
Or a post or implant may need to be placed.
The dentist will first grind the tooth so that the crown fits better.
This is usually done with an anesthetic so it doesn’t hurt.
Then he makes an impression of this with soft material.
The dental technician uses this impression to customize the crown.
Until the final crown is ready, you will be given a temporary crown.
This allows you to eat and chew as normal, but the temporary crown is much weaker than the final crown.
The final crown is attached with cement after proper fitting and measuring.

Does placing a crown hurt?

Before treatment, you will be sedated (including any root canal treatment).
As a result, you won’t feel any pain.
However, if the crown is placed on a molar without a nerve, anesthesia is not necessary.

How long does a crown last?

A crown remains in place for many years as long as the tooth on which the crown sits remains healthy.
This is because it is still susceptible to decay.
So keep the molar clean!
Should the crown become loose, contact your dentist immediately.
He can reattach it.


A bridge replaces a missing tooth and consists of an artificial tooth and two crowns.
The crowns are attached to the two own teeth or molars next to the open spot.
The artificial tooth fills the empty spot.

What is a bridge made of?

A bridge can be made of metal, porcelain or a combination of the two.
If a bridge is made of only metal, it is often for the back of the mouth because the bridge is gold or silver in color.
The bridge is very strong and wear-resistant.
If it is a combination, the base is metal and a porcelain layer comes over it.
But nowadays, because of new techniques, more and more solid bridges can be made entirely of porcelain.
This looks very natural.

How is a bridge placed?

First, the teeth or molars to which the bridge will be attached are ground down.
Then the dentist takes an impression of these teeth and the gap.
The dental technician then makes an appropriate bridge.
Until the bridge is finished, you will be given a temporary bridge made of plastic.
The final bridge is first fitted and then attached with a type of cement.

Does bridge placement hurt?

During the treatment, you are locally anesthetized.
Because of this, you will not feel any pain.

How long does a bridge last?

A bridge can last for many years if you take good care of the teeth to which the bridge is attached.
After all, these are still susceptible to decay.
Should the bridge become loose contact your dentist immediately.
He can reattach the bridge.

Request an appointment.

We would be happy to tell you more about this treatment and schedule an appointment for you.