General conditions of

These Terms and Conditions apply to

  • the use of this Website, and
  • any other related Agreements or commitments with the Owner

in a legally binding manner.
Capitalized words are defined in the appropriate section in this document.
The User must read this document carefully.

This Website is provided by: Dental Center Al Dente P.Czn.
Hooftlaan 2 5611 NV Eindhoven Owner contact email address:


Unless otherwise indicated, the Terms of Use in this section apply generally when using this Website.
Some or additional terms of use or access may apply in specific scenarios and if so, they are additionally stated in this document.
By using this Website, Users confirm that they comply with the following terms and conditions.

Content in this Website

Unless otherwise indicated or clearly identifiable, all content available in this Website is owned and provided by the Owner or its licensors.
The Owner makes every effort to ensure that content provided in this Website does not infringe applicable laws, regulations or third party rights.
However, it is not always possible to achieve this result.
In these cases, without prejudice to legal rights of Users to enforce their rights, Users are requested to report related complaints, preferably using the contact details provided in this document.

Access to external resources

Through this Website, Users may access external resources provided by third parties.
Users accept that the Owner has no control over these resources and is therefore not liable for their content and availability.
Terms applicable to resources provided by third parties, including applicable provisions regarding a possible grant of rights to content, derive from the terms and conditions of each third party or, in their absence, applicable law.

Acceptable use

This Website and the Service may only be used within the scope for which it is provided, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and applicable laws.
Users are solely responsible for ensuring that their use of this Website and/or the Service does not violate any applicable laws, regulations or rights of third parties.

General provisions

No waiver of right

Owner’s failure to assert any right or provision under these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.
No waiver of right shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of right with respect to the relevant or any other provision.

Interruption of service

To ensure the best possible level of service, the Owner reserves the right to interrupt the Service for maintenance, system updates or other changes, notifying Users appropriately.
Within the limits of laws and regulations, the Owner may also decide to suspend or completely discontinue the Service.
If the Service is discontinued, the Owner will cooperate with Users so that they can withdraw their personal data or information and the Owner will respect Users’ rights regarding continued use of the product and/or compensation, as providedin applicable law.
In addition, the Service may be unavailable due to reasons beyond the Owner’s reasonable control, such as cases of force majeure (including infrastructure failures or blackouts, etc.).

Resale of service

Users may not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit this Website and the related service, in whole or in part, without the express prior consent of the Owner, granted directly or through an approved resale program.

Intellectual property rights

Subject to more specific provisions in these Terms, all intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights and design rights relating to this Website are the exclusive property of Owner or its licensors and are subject to the protection of applicable intellectual property laws or international conventions.
All trademarks, in writing or graphics and any other marks, trade names, service marks, word marks, graphics, drawings or logos used in connection with this Website are and shall remain the exclusive property of the Owner or its licensors and shall be subject to the protection of applicable intellectual property laws or international conventions.

Changes to these Terms

The Owner reserves the right to change or otherwise modify these Terms at any time.
In such cases, the Owner shall appropriately notify the User of the changes.
Such changes will affect the relationship with the User only as of the date of the notice. Continued use of the Service constitutes User’s agreement to the revised Terms. If Users do not wish to be bound by the changes, they must stop using the Service and may terminate the Agreement.
The applicable prior version governs the relationship prior to the User’s agreement.
The User may obtain prior versions from the Owner.

Transfer of the agreement

The Owner reserves the right to transfer, assign, assign by novation or subcontract any rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions, subject to the legitimate interests of the User. Provisions regarding amendments to these Terms and Conditions shall apply accordingly. Users may not assign their rights or obligations under these terms and conditions in any way without the written consent of the Owner.


All communications related to this Website should be made using the contact information indicated in this document.


If any provision of these Terms is held or declared to be invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, the invalidity or unenforceability of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions, which shall remain in full force and effect.


This Website (or this Application)

The property that enables the provision of the Service.


The legally binding or contractual relationship between the Owner and the User to which these Terms and Conditions apply.

Owner (or We/We)

The natural person(s) or legal entity that provides this Website and/or the Service to the Users.


The service provided by this Website, as described in these Terms and Conditions and in this Website.


All provisions applicable to the use of this Website and/or the Service as indicated in this document, including any other related documents or agreements, and updated periodically.

User (or You/You)

The natural person or legal entity using this Website.

Most recent update: July 23, 2024